Visiting Hours by Tagan Shepard

In which our main character is self obsessed and relatively unlikable, but seems to be lovable none-the-less. I had thought she would go on a journey of self discovery and redemption, and was quite intrigued at the bravery of it, but no, that is all left to the future.

Another American book in which a deep friendship between a white woman and a black woman is considered noteworthy, reminding us urban Brits of how different life is in the UK (not that I’m claiming racial divides and racism don’t exist here, but I don’t think they’d warrant the status of Plot Point).

Our heroine is a history professor; uptight, and dismissive of others, and not in a cute way. She’s bisexual, which has been a problem in her past, and, hence, Hangups! Her love interest in a doctor (swoon), with tattoos and wild hair (‘how childish’) but is amazing yada yada, and new to town, and doesn’t think she’ll like this town. She’s right. She should go back to Portland. But she doesn’t.

Also features one of those scenes where you can’t quite believe they’re having sex when they should be having a conversation instead. But there we go.

Nearly in the “don’t bother” category, but redeemed by having such an odd central character it kept it readable, and a bisexual central character, which is refreshing.

(Be warned, there is trauma around miscarriages etc. which may be unhappily close to home for some.)

Link to Visiting Hours on Amazon

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